Posted  by  admin

Grindy Game For Mac

  1. Free Game For Mac

Grinding is so tedious, how do you guys tolerate it? I can grind for a bit, I don't mind some grinding but when it's hours.c'mon. Just depends how fun the game is or if the grinding is justified. For example, you could probably argue that a lot of progression based competitive multiplayer is the same thing, just a huge grind of game after game to eventually get a new gun or skin. Yet if the game is well made, it won't feel boring, because of the inherent randomness and entertainment value of a multiplayer game.

Grinding is so tedious, how do you guys tolerate it? I can grind for a bit, I don't mind some grinding but when it's hours.c'mon. I'm literally autistic. I'm also severely clinically depressed.

Free Game For Mac

Grinding provides me with a mechanical repetitive task that satisfies my autism and a false feeling of accomplishment that distracts me from the nightmare that is my life. Dell 1707fp driver windows 10. Or makes it easier for you to live with it. Best of luck I hope things get better for you. It won't but that's very nice of you to say.